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DET Berbicara Tentang Foto 9 - Template dan Strategi untuk Menjawab Pertanyaan Jenis Objek Dalam Ruangan


Selamat datang di bagian terakhir dari seri DET Berbicara Tentang Foto. Di artikel sebelumnya, kami menjelajahi bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan tentang jenis makanan. Postingan blog inimenawarkan DET Strategi berbicara untuk mendeskripsikan objek dalam ruangan dengan template, tips, dan contoh untuk membantu meningkatkan keterampilan deskripsi gambar Anda.

Speak About the Photo

Ppotret dari porang



Sadegan jalan dan arsitektur

Tpemandangan alam

Eacara dan pertemuan

Tumbuhan dan Hewan


Sayabenda dalam ruangan

Strategi untukAmenjawabSayandoorObjekTtipeQpertanyaan: Tujuh-StepMmetode

A demo photo of DET "Speak About the Photo" questions: a modern living space.

1. Jelaskan Ruang Keseluruhan: Mulailah dengan gambaran umum tentang area atau gambar. Tentukan ruangan yang Anda deskripsikan dan tangkap suasana atau mood keseluruhan.

Sebagai contoh: This image presents a modern living space, characterized by a clean and elegant design with a predominantly white color palette.”

2.Fokus pada Elemen Utama: Identifikasi fitur yang paling menonjol atau mencolok dalam ruang tersebut. Ini bisa termasuk perabotan besar, barang dekoratif unik, atau warna dan pola yang mencolok.

Misalnya: The room showcases a long white table adorned with a laptop and two vases, one of which holds a vibrant green plant.”

3. Gunakan Bahasa Deskriptif: Gunakan kata sifat dan kata keterangan untuk menyampaikan detail tentang ruang atau objek, dengan fokus pada aspek seperti warna, tekstur, ukuran, dan bentuk.

Misalnya: Adjacent to the table is a brown leather chair that introduces a warm contrast to the otherwise bright setting.”

4.Jelaskan Tata Letak dan Susunan: Jelaskan bagaimana elemen-elemen yang berbeda diposisikan satu sama lain. Gunakan istilah ruang seperti "di sebelah kiri," "di sudut," atau "di atas" untuk menunjukkan lokasi mereka.

Misalnya: On the back wall, several black-and-white photographs are displayed alongside a painting that reads ‘do what makes your soul happy.’”

5.Sebutkan Detail Menarik atau Unik: Sorot segala fitur khusus atau barang khas yang ada di ruangan.

Misalnya: “Additionally, there’s a tall cabinet showcasing a selection of books, a picture frame, and various decorative objects.”

6.Gunakan Perbandingan dan Kontras: Ketika menggambarkan item, buat perbandingan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman.

Misalnya: The wooden floor amplifies the room's brightness and creates a striking contrast with the sleek, modern furniture.”

7.Menjaga Organisasi dan Logika:Bertujuan untuk aliran yang jelas dan logis dalam deskripsi Anda. Anda mungkin mulai dari satu sisi ruangan dan bergerak ke sisi lain, atau menggambarkan item dari atas ke bawah atau kiri ke kanan.

Sebagai contoh: Beginning on the left, the viewer’s attention is drawn to the tall cabinet, followed by the long white table in the center, and concluding with the elegant wall art that adds character to the space.”

Jawaban SampleSure, here is the translated string in Indonesian:

This image presents a modern living space characterized by a clean and elegant design with a predominantly white palette. The room showcases a long white table adorned with a laptop and two vases, one holding a vibrant green plant. Adjacent to the table is a brown leather chair that introduces a warm contrast to the otherwise bright setting. On the back wall, several black-and-white photographs hang alongside a painting that reads “do what makes your soul happy.” Additionally, a tall cabinet displays a selection of books, a picture frame, and various decorative objects. The wooden floor amplifies the room's brightness, creating a striking contrast with the sleek, modern furniture. Beginning on the left, the viewer’s attention is drawn to the tall cabinet, followed by the long white table in the center, and concludes with the elegant wall art that adds character to the space.

TheAjawabanTemplate untuk Sayadalam ruanganObjek Qpertanyaan

Catatan Khusus: Dalam kalimat template, dua warna digunakan: hitam untuk frasa tetap dan biru untuk frasa fleksibel.

1. The interior of the house in the picture showcases a [adjective] [design style], with [feature 1] and [feature 2], creating a [adjective] atmosphere.

2. In the image, the [item or furniture] is not only [adjective] in design, but also serves a [functional purpose], such as [purpose 1] or [purpose 2], making it a [adjective] addition to the room.

3. The [room or space] in the photo is arranged in a [adjective] manner, with [layout or organization feature 1] and [layout or organization feature 2], which [effect on the room or space].

4.The picture captures the [item or furniture] in a [adjective] [location or setting], such as a [specific room or area], where it [action or purpose], adding to the overall [atmosphere

or functionality].


A demo photo of DET "Speak About the Photo" questions: a bathroom.

Contoh Jawaban:

The bathroom in the picture showcases a serene minimalist design style, with large windows and natural light, creating a tranquil atmosphere. The bathtub is not only elegant in design but also serves a practical purpose, such as relaxation or self-care, making it a charming addition to the room. The space is arranged in a thoughtful manner, with strategically placed candles and a wooden tray, which enhances the overall coziness of the environment. The large window offers a view of lush trees and a peaceful backyard, drawing nature into the space. Additionally, the clean lines and soft colors contribute to a sense of calm. This beautiful arrangement makes the bathroom a perfect retreat for unwinding and enjoying tranquil moments, inviting one to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.

lTemplate dan Strategi untuk Menjawab Pertanyaan Tipe Potret Orang

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