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DET Berbicara Tentang Foto 8 - Template dan Strategi untuk Menjawab Pertanyaan Tipe Makanan


Pembaca yang terhormat, dalam artikel sebelumnya, kami membahas Pertanyaan Tipe Tumbuhan dan Hewan. Dalam posting blog ini, lpelajari cara menguasai Pertanyaan Jenis Makanan DET dengan strategi langkah-demi-langkah, deskripsi yang jelas, dan contoh jawaban untuk meningkatkan keterampilan respons foto Anda.

Speak About the Photo

Ppotret people



Spemandangan jalan dan arsitektur

Npemandangan alam

Eacara dan pertemuan

Tumbuhan dan Hewan


Sayaobjek dalam ruangan

Strategi untukAmenjawabMakanan TketikQpertanyaan: Sbahkan-SlangkahMmetode

A demo photo of DET "Speak About the Photo" questions: a juicy hamburger.

1.Deskripsi Umum: Mulailah dengan gambaran singkat tentang adegan dalam gambar, sebutkan elemen-elemen utamanya.

Misalnya: "This picture showcases a delicious meal featuring a juicy hamburger, crispy fries, and a dipping sauce, all elegantly arranged on a black square plate."

2.Gunakan Kata Sifat untuk Mendeskripsikan Penampilan:Gunakan kata sifat untuk menggambarkan warna, tekstur, dan bentuk makanan.

Sebagai contoh: "The hamburger, topped with a shiny sesame seed, looks incredibly appetizing, while the fries are perfectly golden and crunchy."

3.Deskripsi Pengaturan dan Presentasi:Komentar tentang bagaimana makanan diatur, termasuk hiasan atau garnish apa pun.

Misalnya: "Beside the hamburger, there's a small bowl of creamy dipping sauce—likely ketchup or mayonnaise—alongside a bright red fruit resembling a cherry tomato."

4.Sebutkan Ukuran Porsi: Berikan perkiraan kasar tentang jumlah makanan dalam gambar.

Sebagai contoh: "The serving of fries is generous, and the small bowl of dipping sauce complements the meal beautifully."

5. Gunakan Bahasa Indera: Evoke the imagined taste, smell, and texture of the food to help the audience fully experience the scene.

Sebagai contoh: "You can almost savor the rich flavors of the juicy hamburger and the satisfying crunch of the fries."

6. Diskusikan Lingkungan dan Atmosfer:Jelaskan latar belakang gambar, lingkungan sekitar, dan siapa saja yang hadir.

Misalnya: "This delightful meal is set on a rustic wooden table, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere."

7.Buat Perbandingan atau Gunakan Metafora: Untuk meningkatkan visualisasi, Anda dapat menggunakan perbandingan atau metafora.

Misalnya: "The hamburger looks as inviting as a cozy embrace, while the fries shine like golden rays of sunshine."

Contoh Jawaban:

This picture showcases a delicious meal featuring a juicy hamburger, crispy fries, and a creamy dipping sauce, all elegantly arranged on a sleek black square plate. The hamburger, crowned with a shiny sesame seed, looks incredibly appetizing and inviting, while the fries are perfectly golden and crunchy, promising a satisfying bite. Besides the burger, a small bowl of dipping sauce—likely ketchup or mayonnaise—sits next to a vibrant red fruit resembling a cherry tomato, adding a pop of color to the plate. The generous portion of fries complements the meal beautifully, enticing anyone who looks at it. Set on a rustic wooden table, this delightful scene creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a casual meal. You can almost savor the rich flavors of the hamburger and the satisfying crunch of the fries, making this feast as inviting as a cozy embrace shared among friends.

TheAjawabanTemplate untuk Makanan Questions

Catatan Khusus:Dalam kalimat template, dua warna digunakan: hitam untuk frasa tetap dan biru untuk frasa fleksibel.

1.The [food/drink] in the picture is a [adjective] example of [cuisine or type], featuring [ingredient 1] and [ingredient 2], which create a [adjective] flavor profile.

2. In the image, the [food/drink] is presented in a [adjective] manner, with [garnish or decoration 1] and [garnish or decoration 2], making it a [adjective] visual treat.

3.The [food/drink] in the photo is a [adjective] combination of [texture or consistency 1] and [texture or consistency 2], resulting in a [adjective] sensory experience.


In the image, the [food/drink] is paired with a [complementary food or drink], which [effect on taste or experience], creating a [adjective] harmony of flavors.

A demo photo of DET "Speak About the Photo" questions: a plate of bacon.

Contoh Jawaban:

The bacon rolls in the picture are a delicious example of finger food, featuring crispy bacon and tender meat, which create a savory flavor profile. In the image, the bacon rolls are presented in an appetizing manner, garnished with fresh rosemary and a sprinkle of black pepper, making it an enticing visual treat. The bacon rolls in the photo are a perfect combination of crunchy and juicy, resulting in a delightful sensory experience. This dish, often enjoyed at gatherings, enhances a warm, inviting atmosphere, inviting people to savor these delicious bite-sized delights. The contrasting gray cement background further highlights the golden-brown rolls, emphasizing their appeal. The entire scene evokes a sense of comfort, suggesting a cozy family gathering or a friendly get-together. Overall, this image captures a cheerful mood, embodying the joy of sharing good food and fostering connections among friends and loved ones in a relaxed social setting.

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